Professionally created blog content for company websites or personal blogs.
The price of this service is determined by the service package you choose.
Basic ($100): Includes one week of blog posts (2 - 3 posts total, depending on individual article length) about the topic of the client's choice. The topic may vary between articles. One round of feedback and corrections is included in this package.
Plus ($175): Includes two weeks of blog posts (4 - 6 posts total, depending on individual article length) about the topic of the client's choice. The topic may vary between articles. One round of feedback and corrections is included in this package.
Premium ($225): Includes one month of blog posts (8 - 12 posts total, depending on individual article length) about the topic of the client's choice. The topic may vary between articles. Two rounds of feedback and corrections are included in this package.
Custom ($275): Includes a completley customized blog service tailored to fit the clients exact needs. This package includes a minimum of 5 blog posts of any length, as well as three rounds of feedback and corrections. The price of this service may vary based on the number of posts, article length, and type of content requested by the client.
The cost of this service covers the included number of blog posts at a length of 1500 - 2000 words each. The rounds of feedback included in each package will discuss all articles and content. Should longer posts or additional rounds of feedback be requested, additional fees may apply.
Blog Content
Should the client require additional rounds of feedback and correction not included in the service package purchased, a $40 editing fee will apply for each additional round after the last included round of feedback.