Professionally created website content for brand overviews, product descriptions, about us pages, and more.
The price of this service is dependent on the service package chosen.
Basic ($100): Includes professional website content up to 500 words (about 1 - 2 pages of website content). One round of feedback and corrections is included in this package.
Plus ($175): Includes professional website content up to 1000 words (about 3 - 4 pages of website content). One round of feedback and corrections is included in this package.
Premium ($225): Includes professional website content up to 1500 words (about 5 - 6 pages of website content). Two rounds of feedback and corrections are included in this package.
Custom ($255): Includes completely customized professional website content of at least 1500 (about 5 - 6 pages of website content). Three rounds of feedback and corrections are included in this package. The price of this package may vary depending on the amount, complexity, and type of content requested.
Website Content
Should the client require additional rounds of feedback and correction not included in the service package purchased, a $40 editing fee will apply for each additional round after the last included round of feedback.