Engaging short story writing tailored to your theme and style. This service focuses on creating fictional short stories of any genre or topic.
The price of this service depends on the service package chosen.
Basic ($100): Includes a 1 - 2 page short story about an idea provided by the client. The client is expected to provide most supporting documents or ideas, with our team doing minimal research to develop the story. One round of feedback and corrections is included in this package.
Plus ($150): Includes a 3 - 4 page short story about an idea provided by the client. The client is expected to provide some supporting documents or ideas, with our team doing some research to develop the story. One round of feedback and corrections is included in this package.
Premium ($200): Includes a 5 - 6 page short story about an idea provided by the client. The client is expected to provide supporting documents or ideas, with our team doing significant research to develop the story. Two rounds of feedback and corrections are included in this package.
Custom ($250): Includes a short story that is at least 5 - 6 pages in length and is tailored to fit the clients exact specifications. The client is expected to provide supporting documents or ideas, with our team doing any research to develop the story. Three rounds of feedback and corrections are included in this package. The price of this package may vary depending on the length, complexity, and content of the request.
Short Story Writing
Should the client require additional rounds of feedback and correction not included in the service package purchased, a $40 editing fee will apply for each additional round after the last included round of feedback.