Bring any story to life with our storytelling service. Unlike our short story service, this service focuses on creating unique stories inspired by your real-life events or personalized for a loved one. Whether you are looking to retell your love story, put grandpa's life lessons down on paper, or create a bedtime story personalized for your child, our team would be honored to help you tell your story!
The price of this service depends on the service package you choose.
Basic ($50): Includes a 1-2 page story of the client's choosing. The client is expected to provide the inspiration for the story, as well as any relevant information they would like included. One round of feedback and corrections is included in this package.
Plus ($75): Includes a 3 - 5 page story of the client's choosing. The client is expected to provide the general inspiration for the story, as well as any relevant information they would like included. Depending on the content, our team will research more into the topic if necessary. One round of feedback and corrections is included in this package.
Premium ($100): Includes a 6 - 8 page story of the client's choosing. The client is expected to provide the general inspiration for the story, as well as any relevant information they would like included. Depending on the content, our team will research more into the topic if necessary. Two rounds of feedback and corrections are included in this package.
Custom ($150): A fully customized storytelling service to fit the client's needs exactly. Three rounds of feedback and corrections are included in this package. The price of this service starts at $150 but may increase depending on the desired length and content of the story.
Should the client require additional rounds of feedback and correction not included in the service package purchased, a $40 editing fee will apply for each additional round after the last included round of feedback.